Zoe’s Adventures in Chincoteague – Day 3

In the morning we went to Main Street Shop Coffeehouse for apricot scones. And orange juice with a paper straw. (That straw made my day) The coffee house was also a store for pretty much everything I love: books, jewelry, art, pottery, soap, and perfumes. We left a while later to go to Maui Jack’s waterpark. There were 3 slides and 1 very intense looking slide that I didn’t want to go on. We got a cabana which was super fancy. We stayed there for pretty much the entire day. For lunch we got a waitress to come by pushing a button which was pretty cool. We left to got to Lily’s Little Mexico for dinner. We went to Black Narrows Brewery afterwards since my Mom wanted to go and we could go to The Brant if I didn’t complain. Black Narrows pretty much couldn’t get more Fixer Upper style. We walked across the street to The Brant. I really like The Brant. I got a necklace and a cute 2 piece set. We then went home and that was the end of Chincoteague day 3.

Zoe’s Adventures in Chincoteague – Day 2

When we woke up we decided to do something different. We went to Sandy Pony Donuts. They were good but I still prefer Yum Yums. Soon after that, we got our bikes and attached them to the bike rack to go on a trail on Assateague. It was fun and since our bottoms hurt we went on a walking only trail after biking around the Wildlife Loop Trail. There was a lot of beautiful plants and a lot of irritating mosquitos. Afterwards, we went to get lunch at Famous Pizza. We got a pizza cheesesteak. Since there was a cat store next door we went after lunch. (Being the cat lover I am, we couldn’t not go) I got a cat activity book for the car ride back and some cat bags for my friends’ birthdays. We headed back to Assateague to go swimming. We went on the calmer side and it was COLD! The water was higher though so I could actually swim without kicking the ground. I also didn’t have my water shoes so I could float. After being in the calmer side for a while. I convinced Mom to teach me to jump waves. We got past the breakers and I got knocked over by a giant wave. Salt water was in my eyes so I couldn’t see. Mom lead me back to the towel, where I got the water off using a towel. I was done with the ocean so I read for a bit. We hopped back in the car to go home. Later we went on the trolley to go get dinner at ChincoTiki. It was delicious. The seagulls were after my fries and would dive at me occasionally which was kinda scary. We then walked over to Island Creamery. There were kittens walking around which made me very happy. After that we went over to The Brant, a gift store. I wanted pretty much everything in there. We walked over to Funland. Sadly, the spider net which I really wanted to do was closed but there was the launch pad which I also wanted to go on. While I was jumping on the launch pad there was a beautiful sunset. Afterwards we hopped on the trolley and went home.

Zoe’s adventures in Chincoteague – Day 1/2 and Day 1

On the road: My Mom and I were on the road for about 3 hours when we stoped at Burley Oak Brewery. Mom got cans and a shirt for dad. And then we were off again. One hour later we arrived in Chincoteague. There weren’t any sidewalks on the majority of the streets. We passed some stores that looked interesting/yummy so I put them in a google keep doc.

The evening in Chincoteague; We arrived at our airbnb and unlocked our key. The place was pretty nice ignoring the weird layout choice. The kid’s bedroom was the first room you enter which was unusual. And the porch couldn’t be locked from the outside. The view from the porch was a lookout onto the bay. There was a dock too. After we unpacked and learned that there was a fly invasion we went out to get dinner at Smokeys. Smokeys was a BBQ and lemonade restaurant. Before Smokeys I had no idea that there was mango, peach, or blueberry lemonade! There was a bouncy house and hammocks. The eating area was outside and there was sand and beach umbrellas so it was almost like you were eating at the beach. After that, we got groceries so we could make some meals at our airbnb. When we were driving home I saw a park that looked like fun so we went there after we unloaded the groceries. The park was called the Veterans Memorial Park. There was a lot of fun things to do like 2 playgrounds, a walking trail, and a fishing dock (Where a guy was terrifying his wife and kids by dangling an eel in front of their faces). We eventually went home because my Mom was too cold. We stayed on the porch for a little bit of reading before going to bed.

Day 1: When I woke up I had french toast since Mom had already eaten. We went over to Chincoteague Kayak Tours to rent a kayak and a stand-up paddle board. I went stand-up paddle boarding in Lake Erie last year but this wasn’t like my first experience, paddle boarding in Sheepshead Creek had more of a current and you had to be making sure to turn at the right times so you wouldn’t ram into an oyster bed. You also had to be balancing on the board so you wouldn’t fall in. Nevertheless it was lots of fun and the people working at Chincoteague Kayak Tours were really friendly. Afterwords, we went back to the unit to grab our bikes. Mom and I went on a bike ride and did a bit of shopping. Shopping made us hungry so we went to Cosa Pizza. Cosa Pizza was delicious and the location was cute. Soon after we went next door Mister Whippy for ice cream. And we biked back to our unit. Later we hopped in the car to attempt to find the ocean to go swimming. Our excursion was a success! We found the ocean. Mom just didn’t want me going past the breakers because I don’t go to the Atlantic often so I didn’t know how to jump over the waves. Since there was another side of the Atlantic on the other side of the bay. That side was much calmer but not as deep. I convinced Mom to go in with me. My water-shoes weighed me down to much so I could fall to the bottom but not float. To top of the day for dinner we had hotdogs and s’mores.

A fun picture👇🏻